Japanese Hiragana Chart [日本語 ひらがな表]

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What is Hiragana?


The Japanese language has three types of characters: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.
Hiragana is primarily used to write grammatical elements and parts of words in Japanese.


  1. Grammatical Elements: Particles, auxiliary verbs, and conjunctions are written in Hiragana.
    • Example: が (ga – subject marker), を (wo – object marker), です (desu – copula)
  2. Parts of Words: Many words combine Kanji and Hiragana. Verb and adjective inflections, in particular, are written in Hiragana.
    • Example: 食べる (たべる – taberu – to eat), 美しい (うつくしい – utsukushii – beautiful)
  3. Furigana for Readability: Hiragana is used as furigana, small characters written above or beside Kanji to indicate their pronunciation.
    • Example: 学校がっこう (がっこう – gakkou – school)
  4. Words Written Only in Hiragana: Some words are written in Hiragana even though they have Kanji forms. This is common in everyday words or in texts for children.
    • Example: さくら (sakura – cherry blossom), こんにちは (konnichiwa – hello)


Hiragana is an essential script in Japanese, used for grammatical elements and parts of words. Mastering Hiragana is fundamental to reading and writing in Japanese.




  1. 文法要素: 助詞、助動詞、接続詞などの文法的な役割を持つ言葉はひらがなで書かれます。
    • 例:〇〇が/〇〇を/〇〇です
  2. 単語の一部: 多くの単語では、漢字とひらがなを組み合わせて書かれます。特に動詞や形容詞の活用部分はひらがなで表記されます。
    • 例:食べる (たべる – to eat)、美しい (うつくしい – beautiful)
  3. 読みやすさのためのふりがな: 難しい漢字の上に小さく書かれて、その読み方を示すためのひらがな。
    • 例:学校がっこう (がっこう – school)
  4. ひらがなだけで書かれた単語: 一部の単語は、漢字が存在してもひらがなで書かれることがあります。特に日常的な言葉や子供向けの文章で使われます。
    • 例:さくら (cherry blossom)、こんにちは (hello)


